Best Bits - How to Accelerate Machine Trials
This episode of best bits comes from a recent webinar highlighting new and effective ways to cut cost on the paper machine.

Your Presenter: Russell Allan
Managing Director, Aurelia Group Consulting
Editor of the APPITA Magazine
If on your paper machines, you need to minimise input costs, lower quality variability, minimise reject material and understand in more detail how paper machine process affects paper quality then you will find this webinar very useful.You’ll be surprised how easy the PSM-4 is to install and commission.
Once installed, find out how you can benefit from the PSM-4 sensor and the amazing things you can do with this new technology.
From this webinar, you will come away with a good understanding of the requirement for applying Aurelia’s on-line stiffness measurement to your paper machine as well as ideas for how you can generate benefit in your paper making operations.